Wednesday, January 18, 2012


filter to place a foreground into a background...its made for a gray screen rather than a green screen.

def placeFore( big, lil, x, y  ):
  cWid = getWidth( big )
  xLim = x +  getWidth(lil)
  if xLim > cWid:
    xLim = cWid
  cHt = getHeight( big )
  yLim = y + getHeight( lil )
  if yLim > cHt:
    yLim = cHt
  xlil = 0
  for j in range( x,xLim ):
    ylil = 0
    for k in range( y, yLim ):
      p = getPixel(lil, xlil, ylil )
      if getRed(p)== getBlue(p)== getGreen(p) and 100<getRed(p)<255:
        newColor = getColor(p)
        setColor( getPixel( big, j,k), newColor )
      ylil = ylil + 1
    xlil = xlil + 1


  1. Thank you so much! I talked to Oldham and he basically said what you told me. I hope the others look at this code and the hard work you have put into it! Good luck!

  2. Thanks for posting this, it was really useful for my centerpiece!
